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The Mimicry of Shia Youths in Islamic ‎Education and Religious Space of Education ‎Institutions

Artikel ini bertujuan mengungkap pengalaman diskriminatif yang dialami pemuda Syiah di lembaga pendidikan dan strategi mereka mengonstruksi identitasnya, baik di kelas pendidikan agama Islam maupun di ruang publik lembaga pendidikan. Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian dengan metode kualitatif-deskriptif terhadap 5 orang pemuda Syiah di Jember yang direkrut dengan chain-referral sampling method. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan life-story interview dianalisis dengan teknik interaktif Miles, dkk. Artikel ini menemukan bahwa pertama pemuda Syiah mengalami pengalaman diskriminatif karena diwajibkan guru Pendidikan Agama Islam melafalkan doa salat seperti qunut meski dirinya telah mengaku sebagai pengikut Muhammadiyah. Kedua pemuda Syiah melakukan mimikri sebagai pengikut Muhammadiyah dengan tujuan terhindar dari praktik salat ala Nahdlatul Ulama yang dilakukan guru Pendidikan Agama Islam. Ketiga, pemuda Syiah umumnya tak berani membuka identitasnya sebagai pengikut Syiah. Seorang pemuda Syiah mengaku sebagai pengikut muslim tradisionalis atau pengikut Islam untuk menghindari diskriminasi dari temannya. Keempat, pemuda Syiah melakukan penyamaran salat ala Sunny sambil diam-diam melakukan gerakan salat Syiah untuk memperjuangkan hak beribadahnya. Mimikri yang dilakukan pemuda minoritas Syiah mengkonfirmasi gambaran mimikri Homi K. Bhabha karena para pemuda Syiah menggunakan ruang identitas Sunny meski diam-diam tetap berusaha mempertahankan identitas primordialnya sebagai Syiah, sehingga pemuda minoritas Syiah menggunakan identitas yang hampir sama dengan Sunny, “namun tidak sepenuhnya sama”.

Open Access
Development of a Moderation-Based Islamic Education Learning Model in Efforts to Strengthen Student Tolerance at Public Universities in Lampung and Banten Provinces

Perguruan tinggi sebagai pelaksana pendidikan memiliki tanggungjawab moral dalam rangka membentuk masyarakat yang moderat dalam upaya memperkuat sikap toleransi mahasiswa melalui model pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menungkap dan menganalisis pengembangan model pembelajaran PAI berbasis moderasi beragama dalam upaya memperkuat toleransi mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi Umum di Provinsi Lampung dan Banten. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah desain research and development, yaitu penelitian yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan produk tertentu dan menguji keefektifan produk tersebut berdasarkan prosedur yang dilaksanakan dari tahapan perencanaan, pengembangan, uji coba, revisi, dan pelaksanaan produk yang berupa model pembelajaran PAI. Model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah model pembelajaran PAI dengan small group discussion di mana mahasiswa dituntut untuk mendiskusikan  tema tentang moderasi serta memecahkan persoalan tertentu berkaitan dengan moderasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran PAI berbasis moderasi memiliki peran yang besar terdahap pembentukan sikap toleransi mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi Umum di Provinsi Lampung dan Banten. Pembelajaran PAI berbasis pada moderasi beragama memiliki komitmen kuat di dalam menanamkan nilai multikultural kepada mahaisiswa sehingga mereka dapat menghormati peredaan yang terjadi dalam lingkungan masyarakat. Hasil dari Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran PAI Berbasis Moderasi Beragama mahasiswa manunjukkan bahwa  model pembelajaran PAI dapat meningkatkan sikap toleransi beragama mahasiswa secara signifikan. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan model pembelajaran tersebut sangat direkomendasikan untuk diaplikasikan dalam konteks perguruan tinggi umum khususnya di  Provinsi Lampung dan Banten sebab memiki kontribusi kuat dalam rangka mencetak mahasiswa yang memiliki sikap toleransi yang tinggi.

Open Access
Local Wisdom Bâburughân Beccè' in Madurese Proverb to Maintain Local Content Learning in Islamic Boarding School

Madurese proverb is one of the traditional expression of Madurese ethnic which contains various bâburughân beccè' or advice which contains values. One of the highest values ​​held by the Madurese community is religious values ​​which are based on the strength of belief in Islam. The expression that still remains a strength in maintaining Madurese local wisdom is the existence of the application of religious values ​​contained in Madurese proverb. The identity of the attitude of the Madurese community is embedded in traditional expressions, namely in proverbs that become advice in every mindset and philosophical attitude of the Madurese community. The purpose of this study is to describe the form of bâburughân beccè' in Madurese proverbs in order to maintain Madurese local wisdom in social reality in Islamic boarding schools. This study uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological type of research. Sources of data in this study consisted of kyai, lora, and students in one Islamic boarding school in Pamekasan Regency. The results showed that there was a form of bâburughân beccè' or advice in Madurese proverbs which were expressed in the form of religious values, character education, and socio-cultural values. So it can be said that nature, objects, and the surrounding environment shape the attitude and character of the religious Madurese community.

Open Access
The Educational Epistemology Of Traditional Pesantren

This study aims to explore the reasons al-Maqbul pesantren maintains the traditional education system in the educational epistemology perspective. This research is qualitative, describe data obtained from the field and literature related to the discussion. To get the data used data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. This study resulted in the findings, namely: (1) The reason al-Maqbul pesantren maintains the traditional education system cannot be separated from the epistemological construction of education; (2) The influence of the epistemological foundation of education at the al-Maqbul pesantren on its educational goals can be identified from Bayani's tendency to place sources of knowledge instead of logical reasoning, empirical observations, and scientific methods. However, the texts of the Qur'an, Hadith, and the Yellow Book; (3) According to the view of al-Maqbul pesantren, truth, knowledge, and educational methods are obtained from the texts of the Qur'an, Hadith, and the Yellow Book. The conclusion of this study is that al-Maqbul pesantren still maintains the purity of its original identity as a place to study religious sciences for its students. All knowledge learned in this pesantren is entirely religious in nature, sourced from Arabic-language books, does not include general knowledge in the education system.

Open Access
Digital Parenting: Utilizing Technology to Instill Islamic Education Values in Young Children

Early use of technology always has advantages and disadvantages in social interactions. Some neighborhood organizations believe that technology may promote accountability, pragmatism, security, and convenience. Other groups, meanwhile, believe that gadgets are prone to criminality. Gadgets must be present since they are an unavoidable aspect of life. Use intended for young children requires parental supervision. Similarly, technology can be employed as a teaching tool. The study's goal was to investigate how Islamic education ideals are taught to young children through the use of technology. This study used descriptive qualitative research as its methodology. ways for gathering data through observation, interviews, and documentation. Ten parents of young children participated as informants in the study. Data reduction and exposure stages, as well as inference and data verification, are all used in technical analysis of the data. By using three different procedures and data sources, the veracity of the data is tested. The study's findings demonstrate that: First, early childhood care can be provided using either an authoritative parenting style, which limits children's independence while granting them authority, or a permissive parenting style, which pampers them. Second, using technology as media is one way that parents today are instilling Islamic education values which includes aspects of aqidah, worship (ibadah), and morals (akhlak) in their children. Third, gadgets have a negative impact on early childhood including cyberbullying, pornography, blasphemy and speaking impolitely in cyberspace, then children think instantly, are less active, addicted to gadgets and result in a consumptive lifestyle.

Open Access